TIGER Standards & Interoperability Wiki!
TIGER Initiative
Please read the Overview if you are not familiar with the vision and mission of the TIGER program or visit the website at http://www.tigersummit.com.
The Standards & Interoperability Collaborative Team was formed to help promote the importance of Health IT standards and interoperability for the delivery of safe, effective, efficient and patient centered care. To view overview presentations provided for this collaborative please see the following links:
Leveraging Health Information Exchange to Improve Quality and Efficiency - TIGER.pdf
HITSP_EduSession TIGER.pdf
Would you like to get more involved in this effort? Do you have good examples, case studies, and or other information to share with this team? We welcome your input. We also welcome your participation in our work group teams. Please send an email with your contact information to standards@tigersummit.com and we will contact you for more information.
Work Groups
Read more about the activities of the work groups that have been formed to research various aspects of our program.
Work Group 1 - Catalogue and develop an inventory of the most relevant health IT standard setting efforts and resources.
Work Group 2 - Create tutorials on topics related to standards and interoperability.
Work Group 3 - Create an awareness campaign on standards and interoperability.
Work Group 4 - Review work from the nursing and healthcare environments to define and collect standards and interoperability examples.
Meeting Archive
September 9, 2008 Monthly Meeting
TIGER Standards Collab_Agenda_9_9_2008.ppt
TIGER Standards and Interoperability Collaborative Summary Report Draftv3.doc
August 12, 2008 Monthly Meeting
July 15, 2008 Monthly Meeting
TIGER Standards Collab_Agenda_7_15_2008.ppt
TIGER Standards and Interoperability Collaborative Summary Report Draftv2.doc
TIGER Pillar Graphic.ppt
June 18, 2008 Monthly Meeting
TIGER Standard Collab_Agenda_6_18_2008.pdf
May 13, 2008 Monthly Meeting
TIGER Standards Collab_Agenda_5_13_2008v2.ppt
April 8, 2008 Monthly Meeting
Here is the agenda and related handouts from the meeting:
TIGER Standards Collab_Agenda_4_08_2008 v3.ppt
SI Collaborative Book Chapter Outline Notesv2.doc
TIGER Initiative Demo Booth VCE April 2008.doc
March 11, 2008 Monthly Meeting
TIGER Standards Collab_Agenda_3_11_2008.pdf
TIGER Standards & Interoperability Summary Report
If you'd like to provide comments, please use the following form: TIGER+Comments+to+Draft+Summary+Report.xls
News - Be in the know!
Washington, DC, November 12, 2008 - HHS Secretary Highlights Contributions of Health IT Advisory Panel
The American Health Information Community (AHIC) -- a federal advisory committee established in 2005 to offer recommendations to HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt to accelerate the adoption of health information technology, or health IT -- formally concluded its work today. In his remarks addressing AHIC members, Secretary Leavitt formally thanked them and noted, "The talent, dedication and hard work by the AHIC board, its many workgroup members and the dedicated staff of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology was invaluable to me in shaping policy and program initiatives to advance health IT.” Click here for the full press release: http://www.hhs.gov/news/press/2008pres/11/20081112a.html
Washington, DC, October 31, 2008 - AHIC Successor, INC seeks feedback on Value Case Prioritization Process
This paper describes a process designed to prioritize future interoperability initiatives, while at the same time accelerating and coordinating all interoperability initiatives. The process is based on the use of a tool referred to as a Value Case. This tool, the Value Case, is a document used to convey stakeholder interest in a specific instance of health information exchange (sometimes referred to as a Use Case) and make the business case for how harmonization of standards, publication of Interoperability Specifications1, and other required activities will be accomplished over time to provide a clear pathway to more widespread adoption and use of interoperable IT products. Comments are due November 24, 2008. To submit comments on the AHIC Successor Inc. draft value case process, click here. Here is the draft document:
Washington, DC, September 23, 2008 - AHIC Successor, INC established to Accelerate HIT adoption
In 2005, HHS Secretary Michael O. Leavitt created the American Health Information Community (AHIC), a federal advisory body of public-and private-sector leaders, to make recommendations to the Secretary about how to accelerate adoption of interoperable health IT in a smooth, market-led way. From its inception, AHIC was conceived to be an interim organization that would sunset by December 2008, giving way to a new, public-private partnership. Transition activities are now well under way. The AHIC Successor Inc. was incorporated on July 17, 2008. On September 23, 2008 the inaugural Board of Directors was announced. The Board of Directors consists of a highly qualified team of public and private healthcare leaders representing for-profit, not-for profit, and Federal Government interests. This expert panel of health care professionals bring vast healthcare, IT, standardization, certification, and board-level executive management credentials to bear on solving the many challenges posed in developing interoperability among healthcare providers and other industry partners. For further information about the AHIC Successor, Inc. Board of Directors, click here.
Washington, DC, September 9, 2008 - Use Case Extension/Gap Comment Period Extended
In April of 2008, the American Health Information Community (AHIC) began the process of identifying 2009 priorities to serve as focus areas for standards harmonization and other national HIT agenda activities. During the June 2008 and July 2008 AHIC meetings, there was approval for development of 1 new “Use Case” and 13 “Extensions/Gaps”. The 14 documents approved by AHIC for development include (* - denotes that this document will be a Use Case): The Office of the National Coordinator of Health IT (ONC) is requesting your review and feedback on the first 5 draft documents below.
1. General Laboratory Orders
2. Order Sets
3. Clinical Encounter Notes
4. Medication Gaps
5. Common Device Connectivity
These 5 documents, along with instructions for providing public feedback, are available for download. The webpage can be accessed by cutting and pasting the following link into your browser: http://www.hhs.gov/healthit/usecases/.
There will be one opportunity for review and feedback by interested stakeholders within both the private and public sectors. This public feedback period will last approximately 4 weeks and will close on September 16th, 2008. The feedback will be analyzed, dispositioned, and will be utilized in the development of the final documents.
standards_case study form.doc Chicago, IL, June 5, 2008 - 2008 HITSP Webinar Series - The Healthcare Information Technology Standards Panel (HITSP) is sponsoring a free webinar series on U.S. healthcare interoperability. This series includes a total of nine presentations during the period of June 5 to September 18, 2008. All sessions are recorded and can be accessed at www.hitsp.org/webinars.aspx.
See attached Webinar schedule HITSP Webinar 1 - 06-05-08.pdf.
Washington, DC, June 6, 2008 - The ONC Coordinated Federal Health IT Strategic Plan for 2008 - 2012 was published which identifies the federal activities necessary to achieve the nationwide implementation of this technology infrastructure throughout both the public and private sectors. HITStrategicPlan.pdf
Chicago, May 20, 2008— The National Alliance for Health Information Technology (Alliance) today released its final report, “Defining Key Health Information Technology Terms”. This report reflects consensus work completed over the last several months on definitions for six important health information technology (IT) terms. HITTermsFinalReport.pdf
Nurses see need for interoperability.doc
HITSP Interoperability Specs Recognized by HHS Secretary Leavitt
HITSP Feb 08 Panel Meeting- 2008 Work Plan and Schedule - Greg Alexander.pdf
HITSP Nursing Terminology Overlap.pdf
Facilitated Discussion on ONC Consultation and Transfers of Care Use Case
February 6th, 2008
Click here for the recording of the Use Case Consultation and Transfers of Care Review:
Facilitated Discussion on Consultation and Transfers of Care Use Case.doc
Here is the ONC Detailed Draft Consultations of Care Use Case for our review:
Here is the TIGER Comment Form:
TIGER Comments to Detailed Draft Use Cases 011808.xls
Here is a copy of the slide presentation for this discussion:
TIGER ONC Use Case Overview FINAL.pdf
Here are our final comments as submitted to ONC:
TIGER response to Detailed Draft Use Cases 021108.xls
Facilitated Discussion on HITSP Medication Management Interoperability Specification
December 20, 2007 at 10 a.m. Eastern Time
To listen to the recording, go to: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/445686308
Here's a copy of the slides:
TIGER Medication Management IS Overview v3.pdf
Attached are two forms that you can use for feedback:
HIMSS Comments 12102007.xls
Book Chapter Outline
Discussion on Fourth Edition of Nursing Informatics “Where Caring and Technology Meet"
Goal of the Chapter: Describe to every nurse why interoperability is important and why there is an urgency in the cause.
Suggested Standards and Interoperability Chapter Outline topics:
- What is a standard?
- What does interoperability mean? (explanation of interoperability)
- What is a Use Case?
- How do standards get developed and adopted?
- What is the role of the nurse in this process?
- What are the benefits of interoperability?
- What are the challenges or problems that nurses face regarding lack of interoperability?
- Why is interoperability important to nurses?
- Roadmap of standards activities leading to interoperability (policy, standards, harmonization, adoption, implementation in practice)
- Additional reference (ie, tutorials, weblinks, case studies, illustrations)
- Appendices (references such as the standards inventory, dictionary of terms and definitions)
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